It’s Official! Letter of Intent to play soccer! @SEU!

Last night as I was sitting in the living room I learned that she received a letter of intent from SEU. It was very exciting and so I grabbed some pictures (not included) as well as a couple I am able to share. God took what was broken and made it whole again! God took what the devil had planned for evil and turned it for good! What the devil tried to rob, kill, and destroy, God chose to use to redeem!
To think the idea of applying to go to SEU came to her while she was away for spring break. To think that after applying to go there for school she had the idea to go back and see why she never heard anything from the soccer team and realized there had been a typo in the original email. To think that the coach would respond and they would connect on the subject. To think that it would come down to an act of faith on both sides as the coach hasn’t seen her in person and she hasn’t visited the school campus. But God made it clear in both their hearts and minds. God had a plan that was better than our plans. God had a way even when there didn’t seem to be a way. God has opened an incredible door having closed many others that starting this fall an incredible new journey will begin!
Happy Today and Congratulations Madelyn! We are so proud of you!